How often do we recall Chekhov’s words that people should be beautiful in every way: in their face, soul and thoughts?

These words of the great Russian writer and playwright sound extremely contemporary, perceived in the context of holistic care for mind, body and beauty.

Living in times of rapid advancement and pace of development, which surpass even the bravest of scientific predictions, modern people should approach the care for themselves through awareness, knowledge and a broad mindset.

Nowadays, the notions „self-care” and “self-love” occupy a well-deserved central place in the public attention and taking care of oneself is the best long-term investment. As is often the case, the most effective recipes for harmony and health are found in Nature and they are not new, but rather have a long and checkered history.

One such tells the story of Moringa. It is believed that the Moringa tree originated in northern India and has been used in traditional Indian medicine for 5,000 years. Moringa was reported to have been used in ancient Greece, ancient Rome and ancient Egypt.

Also known as "The Wonder Tree" and "The Divine Tree", Moringa enjoys wide application in Ayurveda, according to which, all parts of the tree should be put into use. Moringa balances Dosha, the vital energy that in Ayurveda is in charge of the overall state of mind and body. Moringa affects favourably the digestive system and eyesight. Its fibres, which are a by-product in the process of oil extraction, are considered to be some of the best natural flocculants (filtering agents) and are used as water purifier in heavily contaminated areas where the water is unfit for drinking.

Moringa leaves have an extremely high nutritional value and the tea made from them is considered to be a super drink. Legend has it that in 326 BC, when Alexander the Great, the great conqueror and ruler of what was then much of the known world, decided to invade India and add it to his empire, he faced unexpected resistance by the Moors – warriors of great might and power which they owed to a miracle drink - Moringa tea! The exceptional qualities of Moringa were also known in other parts of the Ancient World. In Egypt, for example, the Moringa oil was used as a natural sunscreen to protect face and body skin from the burning sun and dry wind in the desert. In ancient Greece and Rome, Moringa was applied as an ointment to moisturize and soften the skin and it was also used as a basic ingredient for fragrance blends and perfumes.

The ‘Wonder Tree’ is also used as a construction material for homes as well as a food supplement due to its exceptional nutritional value. Moringa has the qualities of super-food and these are particularly worthwhile in the tropical countries and Africa, where malnutrition is one of the main reasons for the high mortality rate. Nowadays, Moringa is cultivated around the world, mainly in territories with a hot climate. In Ethiopia, Haiti, Ghana, Honduras, Indonesia and Uganda, the wide range use of Moringa is a necessity as it provides shelter, food and cure for the local people.

The conversion of Moringa oil into bio fuel is successfully undergoing through a phase of experimental testing. It turns out that practically there are no limitations to the use of Moringa! Having a rich and millennia-old history, Moringa has been on a pedestal in the world of holistic medicine even to the present day. Moringa is a superstar in cosmetology because of its extraordinarily nourishing and exclusively natural effect.

Moringa oil is extremely beneficial to healthy and beautiful hair due to its high content of oleic acid and its effect to maximize moisture in a hair. The use of Moringa has a favourable effect both on the mind and body, building a bridge for the modern man to access the knowledge of ancient curers. ‘The Divine Tree’ is a welldeserved name for Moringa as it keeps the ultimate source of power, beauty and life.